Thursday, June 17, 2010

Every day is a surprise in the "Stone"

June 17, 2010. Sitting here looking out our window and Yes, it is snowing.The temperature is below 30 degrees and now a little light snow is falling. Weather here is always changing, you never know what to expect.

Yesterday on the way to work at 6:30AM Claire saw this Grizzly walking in the field off to our right. This is very close to where we live. This must be the same bear that has been paying us a visit in the RV park. We pulled over to watch him and he then decided to cross the road. This was a real treat as he was within 50 yards of us. When he reached the other side a Coyote came out of no wheres and started running after the bear. When he caught up to the bear they just walked together rooting around in the ground. I guess they were buddies?

The other day on the way home from work, in the same meadow we saw a mother Grizzly with her cub. The mother was walking around and rooting in the ground. The cub was playing and every now and then would look up to see where Mom was then would run up to her. It was really cool to watch this.

We decided to take a little ride and encountered the Pronghorn that was just sitting off the side of the road. It is very hard not to see wildlife in the wonderful park. The Elk are now having their babies and we plan to go off tomorrow on our day off with hopes to see many Elk babies.

Today we work the closing shift which is from 2:30 - 10:00pm. Tonight the string quartet will start playing a the hotel. They set up in the Sun Room which is in front of our Gift Shop so I get a chance to hear them. They are really good.

This ends another blog for the day.


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