Sunday, August 30, 2009

I live with the Animals

The animals are now slowly coming around our RV park, especially the bison, elk, and deer. We were treated to a herd of bison that wandered through our park. They stopped to graze a bit just outside our door. The elk and deer have been paying us a visit. They ate Claire's flowers that she had outside. Early in the morning and late in the evening you can hear the bull elk bugling, as matting season is approaching. This morning when I was walking the dogs I saw two female elk in the woods. Going to work, which is about two miles away we usually spot deer, elk, bison, and some times a coyote. Thur. we took a bike ride into West Yellowstone Montana and got a few good shots of grey wolf and grizzly bear. We are now heading into Sept. which should produce cooler weather and snow. We are looking forward to seeing the aspen trees change color in Teton National Park. It won't be long before we hit the road again and head on home. I am not anxious to leave the park but anxious to see my family and friends in Florida. This has been an amazing adventure. Tues. we plan to go horse back riding to a cookout out provided for the guests of this park. Many of the wranglers are local cowboys. We have done this two time in previous years and it is a lot of fun. They cook steaks on the grill and brew coffee in large pots over an open fire. Also we get to see a lot of animals out there. We had Christmas in Aug. at our retail stores, and my store won first place for its decorations and the little skit that we put on. In the photo is me as Bob Cratchit, our store manager next to me as my little Tiny Tim, also Ebenerzer Scrooge, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. Tonight we have a retail pizza party at our pub and that will be fun. So its not all work, we get to play, hike, see animals, explore, have fun. Well this is it for now, hope you enjoy the photos.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jackson Hole, Wy. Adventure

We decided to take a road trip on the Harley to Jackson Hole, Wy. This is a 200 + mile round trip taking us from Yellowtone National Park through Teton National Park into Jackson Hole. Traveling through the Tetons is always a beautiful drive but doing it on a cycle is something else. You get a 360 degree view, you smell the trees, and if you come up to an animal, you are up close. The weather was is the high 70's, blue sky, a great day to travel. The day started out quite cold as the weather was in the 40's at Lake, YNP but as we got into the Tetons we were able to remove the jackets and be in tee's. We stopped at Moose Junction to have lunch then off to Jackson Hole. On the return we stopped at the Mormon Row Historic District which was a community established in 1862. Today it is deserted but the buildings that still stand on Mormon Row echo with the voices, laughter and memories of the families who once called them home. While standing under a tree to enjoy a little shade I was treated to a Mountain Blue Bird who perched in a tree and allowed me to photograph him. We stopped at Teton Lodge where we had a light dinner and we had a Snake River Lager which was really good. Since I was driving the cycle I was limited to only one beer. We arrived at the junction in YNP around 8:00PM which is West Thumb. We saw a few cars parked on the side of the ride and we knew from this location it must be Elk. We were treated to two large bull elk who were grazing nearby. I was able to sneak up to a spot where I sat on a fallen tree and they approached not knowing I was there. What a thrill it was to see these magnificent animals. The photos really don't tell what I saw. It was a great day in the park and what a thrill to be able to drive on a cycle a be a part of God's creation.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Traveling the Chief Joseph Senic Byway

On our days off Claire and I like to hit the road, sometimes by car, sometimes by cycle. We decided to take the car due to the length of this road trip and also to do some grocery shopping in Cody, Wy. Our day started out passing through Hayden Valley where we were treated by many Bison. They are now in the rutting season (matting) and the bulls are very active. They roll in the dirt so that they can look good for the females. Many of the bulls are charging other bulls trying to dominate in order to better their chances with the cows. We traveled north through the park and into Lamar Valley where we were treated to a Grizzly Bear who happened to cross the road that we were on. We traveled into Cooke City Montana where we encountered two red fox. They where just walking down the road. We then got on the Chief Joseph Scenic Byway. This beautiful highway was named after Chief Joseph who was chief of the Wallowa band of Nez Perce Indians. General Howard and 1000 soldiers where attempting to forcibly remove this band of indians and the other non-treaty Nez Perce indians to a reservation in Idaho. For Chief Josephs principled resistance to the removal, he became renowned as a humanitarian and peacemaker. The highway started at Cooke City, Mt. and ended in Cody, Wy. It is a 47 mile highway along the northeastern edge of Yellowstone National Park. This scenic by-way offers un-paralleled views of Wy. as well as unique history of the US. This was a fantastic drive and we were more than happy to have had the opportunity to travel this beautiful highway. During the drive we saw a cowboy and his trusted dog looking for stray cattle. All in all it was a good day, many animals, beautiful landscape, and another experience in YNP.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Creations by God

How can anyone deny creation. Being in this park and being a witness to God's creation is a blessing. Animals, thermal features, geysers, hot springs, wild flowers, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, valleys, etc. etc. Every time we venture into this park we are in awe of the beauty we see. As the sun sets, the reflections on the lake, the orange color to the mountains is breath taking. Then comes night. Look up and the sky is amazing, so many stars. God thank you for giving me this opportunity to witness your creation. Claire and I hop on the bike and venture into the park to enjoy the beauty. You never know what me may run into, a bear, a bison, a deer? One thing about being on the bike is feeling the wind on your face, the smell of the trees, the constant curves, the hills, what a wonderful experience. Alas, all good things must come to an end. We see the end in sight. Oct. 6th. will be our last day and off we go, back to Florida. We have noticed a change in the temps. as it is starting to get a little cooler. They are predicting snow on Sun. What? Can't snow in Aug. Temp. at night as been quite cool and we are expecting high 20's to low 30's. Days are now 60 to 70. Our little trailer in the park is quite cozy. I hope that all who are reading my blog will mark their calendars for a future vacation in YNP. And for all you retired fold, come and work in YNP. Life is short, life is beautiful, don't waste it. For all my family out there, I love you. For all my friends out there, thank you for being my friend. And above all, thank you God for giving me my life to enjoy my family and friends. One more thing. Buy a Harley, your never too old.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Challenged by a Bull

During my younger days there were many times I was challenged to a fight. Of course I never backed down to a good fight. However, this 67 year old man was challenged and I did nothing. While driving the cycle into Hayden valley a herd of bison decided to cross the road just ahead of me. I felt pretty safe as there were several cars in front of me. The bison were running and charging ahead to get to the other side. People had their cameras out and were getting some great shots. Bringing up the rear was the king bull bison who was protecting his herd. We are now entering into mating season and the bull bison are becoming very aggressive. Well this bull stopped, turned around to take one last look at us. He decided that he would wander down to where we were and politely tell us to leave. The folks in the cars decided that this bull was getting to close so they all took off except one car in front of me. As the bull approached the car he took off leaving me and the bull. Sitting on the black Harley this bull must have thought I was another bull after his female bison. He walked within 3 feet of me and stared me down. Was he challenging me to a fight? I have seen other bulls butting heads and started to wonder if this is what was going to take place. Since I decided not to challenge him I sat there pretending he wasn't there. He then moved to my side and again starred at me. Then he circled me and came up to my rear. That is when I gunned the engine and took off like a bat out of "H". Now that is an experience I will never forget. The rest of the day was great. Checked out a few geysers, saw elk, a grizzly, and coyote, and of course, plenty of bison. The scenery here is just outstanding and I can't get enough of it. The days are flying by quickly and our last day here will be Oct. 6th. Alas, all good things must come to an end.