Saturday, September 19, 2009

South Canyon Hike

We had our day off on Tues. and we decided to take the South Canon hike which is about 3-1/2 miles. This hike required us to take the car and the cycle so that we didn't have to backtrack the same hike which would have made it 6 miles. So Off I went on the Harley and Claire in the car. I parked my cycle at the upper falls parking lot and we parked the car at Artist point. We started our hike at upper falls with our destination Artist Point. We hiked about 1/2 mile and reached a loop and continued on what we thought was the right trail to get us to Artist Point. We hiked and hiked and Claire said, "what is that building?" As I looked over at the building I noticed a Harley that looked just like mine Well, guess what? It was my Harley. We somehow got on the trail that took us back were we started. Being a former Boy Scout I said this was planned. Oh yes, it was not, I got an "F" in boy scout trail guide. So what did we do? Of course, we started our hike all over again and this time we got it right. The hike was just great. We hiked a trail along the canyon with fantastic views. We had to stay on the trail because one wrong step we would go off the cliffs into the Yellowstone River which flowed below us. Of course we had to stop a few times to catch our breath, (now we are not youngsters} so it takes us a little bit longer. When a hiker would approach us going the other way, we would smile and act like this is so easy. We reached our destination which was Artist Point where the car was and we hoped in the car and went back to where the cycle was parked. On the way back we stopped at Hayden Valley to enjoy the herds of bison. Further up we were treated at the LeHardy Rapids a family of Otters. This was a great day in YNP.


  1. Hey Dusty,

    Great pictures; Like I said before, God Country.
    A place of peace and a place of joy.
