Friday, August 14, 2009

Creations by God

How can anyone deny creation. Being in this park and being a witness to God's creation is a blessing. Animals, thermal features, geysers, hot springs, wild flowers, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, valleys, etc. etc. Every time we venture into this park we are in awe of the beauty we see. As the sun sets, the reflections on the lake, the orange color to the mountains is breath taking. Then comes night. Look up and the sky is amazing, so many stars. God thank you for giving me this opportunity to witness your creation. Claire and I hop on the bike and venture into the park to enjoy the beauty. You never know what me may run into, a bear, a bison, a deer? One thing about being on the bike is feeling the wind on your face, the smell of the trees, the constant curves, the hills, what a wonderful experience. Alas, all good things must come to an end. We see the end in sight. Oct. 6th. will be our last day and off we go, back to Florida. We have noticed a change in the temps. as it is starting to get a little cooler. They are predicting snow on Sun. What? Can't snow in Aug. Temp. at night as been quite cool and we are expecting high 20's to low 30's. Days are now 60 to 70. Our little trailer in the park is quite cozy. I hope that all who are reading my blog will mark their calendars for a future vacation in YNP. And for all you retired fold, come and work in YNP. Life is short, life is beautiful, don't waste it. For all my family out there, I love you. For all my friends out there, thank you for being my friend. And above all, thank you God for giving me my life to enjoy my family and friends. One more thing. Buy a Harley, your never too old.

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