Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Challenged by a Bull

During my younger days there were many times I was challenged to a fight. Of course I never backed down to a good fight. However, this 67 year old man was challenged and I did nothing. While driving the cycle into Hayden valley a herd of bison decided to cross the road just ahead of me. I felt pretty safe as there were several cars in front of me. The bison were running and charging ahead to get to the other side. People had their cameras out and were getting some great shots. Bringing up the rear was the king bull bison who was protecting his herd. We are now entering into mating season and the bull bison are becoming very aggressive. Well this bull stopped, turned around to take one last look at us. He decided that he would wander down to where we were and politely tell us to leave. The folks in the cars decided that this bull was getting to close so they all took off except one car in front of me. As the bull approached the car he took off leaving me and the bull. Sitting on the black Harley this bull must have thought I was another bull after his female bison. He walked within 3 feet of me and stared me down. Was he challenging me to a fight? I have seen other bulls butting heads and started to wonder if this is what was going to take place. Since I decided not to challenge him I sat there pretending he wasn't there. He then moved to my side and again starred at me. Then he circled me and came up to my rear. That is when I gunned the engine and took off like a bat out of "H". Now that is an experience I will never forget. The rest of the day was great. Checked out a few geysers, saw elk, a grizzly, and coyote, and of course, plenty of bison. The scenery here is just outstanding and I can't get enough of it. The days are flying by quickly and our last day here will be Oct. 6th. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

1 comment:

  1. Now what kind of "harley-riding badd ass" are you???!!!???. A real biker would've charged!!!
    P.S. Glad you didn't . . . close call.
